Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Once it so happened that.......

Just like most of them, I was also the member of our college's rock band. Once while we were relishing backstage after a performance, this bearded man walked over to me and introduced himself as Dr. Mockery, professor in School of drama at trichur, kerala. He wanted me to play music for his drama, or rather, his street play. I liked the idea. And weeks later I boarded his old fiat car with my guitar, wondering whats up next!
He stopped at some kavala junction, got down all the hoardings and costumes and started his make-up from the roadside itself. I sat there looking at him and the people who gathered around this unusual sight. 10-15 minutes later, when he was through, he went to each and every small shop around there and called up a good audience.
I played certain pieces of music here and there, still having no idea what I'm supposed to do! Then I happened to notice that he's repeatedly shouting the same words, and it sounded good! I tuned it according to that mood and started singing it behind his activities!
That day and the following days, we travelled many streets the same way. Every place had a different audience and ambience, and the same words had different tunes at different places.
I could not contain what I composed, and so I went on to make them like a song. Later one of my friends hired a camera and a van and made us act the whole script again and recorded it.
The result was a 17 minute musical short film which I have uploaded on youtube. Since video upload was limited, I had to cut it into many peices and number them.
You can watch them at
  • My channel at youtube!
  • Do start from serial number 1 and proceed. thank you!

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